Clutch - Bacchanal lyric

Ringtones Ringtone: Send Bacchanal Ringtone to your Cell Phone!

Temptation of Indulgence
Divides and conquers my mind
An elegy for fading youth
Welcome to mankind

If you provide the spleen
Then I'll provide the ideal
If I provide a puppet
Will you provide the strings?

Revel in the glory
Of a coming of age
Decades of suppression
Released in a rage

Have mercy

How can I seize the day when it is dusk?
You provide the pull, and I'll provide the thrust
Romance is nothing but a sack of lies
But it is truth which I have come to despise


If I provide the scene
Will you provide the ordeal?
If I provide a crown
Will you provide a queen?

Ringtones Ringtone: Send Bacchanal Ringtone to your Cell Phone!

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