"Happy Break Up Song"

hello dear
theres something on my mind
something between us
that I cant find
can you please please show me the light
because with you
I refuse to fight
its cuz you have a new girfriend
she gives you better head
than me
its cuz that guy that you like,
I heard that he can make you scream

and I guess I'm a shmoe
you have better people to fuck than me
I guess that I'm the jerk
who lets you fuck whoever
you please


we used to have such good times
you didnt ignore me
as I told you my mind
I'd listen as you told me
about some girl
you said oneday
she'd be my wife

I guess I'm a shmoe
you have better people to fuck
than me
I guess that I'm the jerk
who'd let you fuck whoever you please


by the way bitch
kiss my goddamn ass
eat shit and die
you dirty fucking slut
fuck off stupid
fucking cunt
I hope you choke on toxic chalk
you fucking douche-bag