Iggy Pop

born in a corporate dungeon where people are cheated
of life i knew i could never stay home no as you lie
in the dark with your pink dress on you look risky
lovely risky lovely child of the whispering skies risky
that's your name risky unashamed risky show your style
risky love's on trial you make me feel that this heart
is real when you hold me love me hold me love me girl
with the scream in her eyes risky that's your name
risky unashamed risky show your style risky love's
on trial people fall apart all the time i've been hit
enough to know why climb to this point move on climb
to this point move on career,
career acquire, acquire but what is life whithout a
heart there's standing room only somebody better tell
the truth proceed at your own risk risky that's your
name risky unashamed risky show your style risky love's
on trial why feel so sad let your heart be glad love
is risky lovely risky lovely child of the whispering
skies born in a corporate dungeon where people are
cheated of life i knew i could never stay home risky
love, risky love, risky love,
sweet love risky love, risky love,
give me love, sweet love, risky love, risky love