Arch Enemy
"Rise Of The Tyrant"

"I have existed from the
morning of the world and
I shall exist until the last star
falls from the night. Although
I have taken the form of
Gaius Caligula, I am all man
As I am no man and therefore
I am..a god. I shall wait for
the unanimous decision of
The senate,, Claudius.
All those who say 'aye', say 'aye'..
'Aye', 'aye', 'aye' (etc)...
He's a god now"

The end is near. Panic is closing in. Sick with fear they run
Watch freedom's fall. What have we become? Cannon foder

Reign of terror. Enslave the nations � devastation!
This is war � Pull the trigger. One nation under their control
Rise � The Tyrants rise! The enemy inside � The tyrants rise
The end is here � Feel it closing in
Blood runs red

Watch in horror � Our lives destroyed
We failed

The final holocaust
Enslave the nations � annihilation!

This is war � Pull the trigger. One nation out of control

War, pain suffering
The price we pay to stay alive
Blood, fire, death
His Glory come, his kingdom rise
This world will burn!