Ace Troubleshooter
"I Worship You"

How do I begin to speak of Your glory?

How do I begin to speak of Your love?

How do I begin to speak of Your goodness?

How do I begin to praise my Father above?

I think of all the things You've given

And the price for me You chose to pay

Your thoughts of me are always sunshine

Through my clouded mind I see the Son drive the rain away

I worship You

Oh Lord Your love brings sunshine to my days

Oh Lord Your love brings a smile to my face

Oh Lord Your love brings hot sauce to my taco

Oh Lord You love brings warmth to my heart

Oh Lord how I long to be in Your presence

With a longing heart I sit at Your feet

Oh Papa God I throw my arms 'round You

With a humble heart I lift my hands and fall on my knees

I worship You